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 The list of cards dedicated to coaches is a visual tool with the basic coaching models that can be used at the different steps of the coaching process. Explaining the principals with the illustrations and the symbols will get the client tuned to the model and adapt them to their own situation.


The list of cards dedicated to trainers can be efficiently used during the training process in various topics, in different steps either as a singular card or cards used one after another. The card stands as a visual tool of self-awareness and the development models.

Innocation and development

Kincses Kriszinta E.V.

Tax number: 67227374 -1-42

Address: 1147, Budapest,
Öv utca 129-131, A

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Email: [email protected]

Kincses Kriszina @ LinkedIn

Exceptional new product established by the Hungarian twin duo

Visual coach cards place the development process to a whole new level

The development cards provide a unique experience as they use the most popular development models with an innovative approach, adapting creative, graphic illustrations that support the learning progress.

Powerful, because it is visual - that assures not only the imprinting of the model at the beginning, but also the recollection of the principals.

Flexible, because it can be customized to the client's personal needs - making the process fresh and lively. During the coaching sessions, the card acts as a hand-out - a colourful, playful tool, something the client can keep and use continuously.

"Making the intangible, substantial, and enjoyable yet efficient - these were our main objectives when creating the visual cards with my sister. Prior to launching the product, we received many positive confirmations from well-known professionals that proved to us that the symbolic cards are useful and validated; filling a gap that was present in the industry. Using the power of a visual tool, the cards support the coaches but also help the clients transform a new behaviour into a habit" - recalling the first steps, Krisztina Kincses, managing director of remembers how the project started.

The cards and the descriptions were reviewed and proved by Dr Vince Székely, coach, psychologist, the president of the Hungarian Association for Coaching Psychology who stood by the idea from the very beginning - he believes that the product is adding real value, helping the development process in a creative and authentic way.

Gabriella Van der Meer, (PCC) coach welcomed the cards as a fantastic visual tool that lifts the intangible coaching service to a whole new level. Among many other advantages, she highlighted that the models became very easy to understand by the illustrations.

The most popular and widely used 12 coaching models are represented in an exclusive atmosphere with unique symbols, making both hemispheres of the brain moving, thanks to the combination of graphics and power words.

Instead of drawing on a white board, the coach can hand over a professionally illustrated card, explaining the models and focusing on the key message other than on technicalities. The client can keep the card and write their thoughts and ideas on the back, customizing it while adapting the model to their own situation. Later on, they can use it anytime as a reminder, as an inspiration in different circumstances.

As a special addition, the company is happy to design individual cards for corporations or development experts who would like to see their favourite coaching models that are not yet in the portfolio.

Check out the symbolic cards and contact us with any requests you might have!

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A szerzői jog a termék szerzőjének vagyoni és személyhez fűződő jogosultságokat biztosít. A vagyoni jogosultságok révén a termék felhasználására csak a szerző engedélyével kerülhet sor. A felhasználásokért a szerzőt ellenszolgáltatás, ún. jogdíj illeti meg. A szerzői jog megsértése esetén a szerző a polgári jogi felelősség szabályai szerint megkövetelheti a kárának megtérítését. A személyhez fűződő és a vagyoni jogokkal kapcsolatos részletes szabályok a szerzői jogról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvény II. és III. fejezetében találhatók.



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