All 12 SymboliCards supporting the development process can be bought here in one package (altogether 12x8=96 pieces).
Internal beliefs
Using the card during the development sessionIn the coaching process the client defines the goal they would like to work on - for example time management. Once the objective has been set, they need to specify exactly where they want to get to, how will they monitor their progress. In the reality check phase the coach helps the client uncover their internal beliefs that are holding them back from reaching their target. The model:According to the cognitive trend, within every single interaction, there is an automatic thought that generates emotions. These emotions affect our actions. Reaching and maintaining our objective, we need to amend our actions, our thoughts and our emotional reactions as well. Once we specified the goal we would like to reach, we need to become conscious about those automatic thoughts that prevents us from changing. Specifications:
Global product specifications: (4 terméktulajdonság 6 jellemzővel) | Info: | Coach, Psychologist, Trainer | Info: | Reality check | Info: | Reality analysis | Info: | Cards supporting the development process |
Product category specifications: | No product category information. |
Cards supporting the development process
With the help of the model the factors which can neither be changed or influenced by us can be identified. It is more sensible to focus on the aspects we can influence, where we have a chance to directly impact the situation. The GROW model is one of the most popular and widely used tool in the personal/business development sector. This model mainly focuses on problem solving and achieving the desired target, concentrating on the process of finding a solution.
To grasp a subjective measurement, we are using a Scale. The coach card can be easily used throughout the coaching session to express improvement and progress, and also to define trust and belief.
The acronym - SMART - helps determining the target. The smart objective is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely. This esentially solution oriented model concentrates on the desired goal. How the client - guided by the development expert - should be able to visualize his objective; also how he should accouter by all the tools and components that will support them in reaching their target. After setting the objective, the model supports the client to prepar a status analysis evaluating their internal resources, what can they expect from their surroundings, the supportive and withholding factors of reaching the desired goal.
This model is one of the tools of the Solution Focused Brief Therapy, which concentrates on the desired outcome, how the client, guided by the coach, can visualize the chosen target and also the required attitude and behavior to achieve that.
This modell assists the client to pinpoint what should he continue, optimize and change -based on others' feedbacks and own self-knowledge- in his life in order to get closer to achieving his goals. You can buy this product here:
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