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Urgent-important matrix

SymboliCard Urgent-Important priorization/ time management model - 960x768 pixel - 127780 byte

The use of the card in the development process:


First we need to understand this distinction:

  • Important activities have an outcome that leads to us achieving our goals, indifferent whether these are professional or personal.


  • Urgent activities demand immediate attention, and are usually associated with achieving someone else's goals. They are often the ones we concentrate on and they demand attention because the consequences of not dealing with them are immediate.


The 4 elements of the matrix are the following:


Ø  The " Important and urgent." tasks need to be executed immediately by us.

Ø  The "Important but not urgent" tasks need to be planned, scheduled, in respect of time and resource, too. The task can be delegated with a good planning. 

Ø  The "Not important but urgent" tasks need to be executed asap, if it is possible, it is worth to delegate it.

Ø  The "Not important and not urgent" tasks are either way landing in the dustbin, please select them accordingly when you prioritize.

The goal is to think more and more in the category of "important, but not urgent" as this is the base of the productive and calm work. Then schedule tasks and activities based on their importance and urgency.


Global product specifications: (4 terméktulajdonság 8 jellemzővel)
Info:Coach, Trainer
Info:Competence development, Leadership development, Prioritization, Stress management
Info:Competence development
Info:Social competency cards
Product category specifications:
No product category information.

Six Thinking hats

SymboliCard Six thinking hats creative problem solving model - 960x768 pixel - 119488 byte

The parallel thinking is a simple model for a constructive thinking, the aim that everybody is focusing on a given topic with the same direction, but the direction is changing.
The hats are perfectly symbolizing the 6 activities of  the human brain.

Conflict handling strategy

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A modell célja az egyéni viselkedés vizsgálata, tudatosítása konfliktus-helyzetekben. Konfliktushelyzetek azok a szituációk, melyekben két ember törekvései összeegyeztethetetlennek tűnnek.

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Our feelings influence us how we react, make decisions or predictions, thus make an impact on whatever we are doing. The emotionally intelligent people are guiding the feelings with their thoughts, instead of letting the feelings dominate on their actions.

Impulse control- Traffic light

SymboliCard Impulse control - 960x768 pixel - 127835 byte

The model provides support in 6 steps in being conscious in ourselves when sudden impulses appear, in order to handle with them and avoid the situations repenting what has been told or done, thus the relations are not destroyed.

Situational leadership

SymboliCard Situational leadership model - 960x768 pixel - 141380 byte

Dr. Kenneth Blanchard management and organizational behaviour professor, sociologist and psychologist, consultant created the model.

It is one of the most widely used model during individual and group development.

You can buy this product here:
Purchase of the Important-urgent matrix coach card:

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A szerzői jog a termék szerzőjének vagyoni és személyhez fűződő jogosultságokat biztosít. A vagyoni jogosultságok révén a termék felhasználására csak a szerző engedélyével kerülhet sor. A felhasználásokért a szerzőt ellenszolgáltatás, ún. jogdíj illeti meg. A szerzői jog megsértése esetén a szerző a polgári jogi felelősség szabályai szerint megkövetelheti a kárának megtérítését. A személyhez fűződő és a vagyoni jogokkal kapcsolatos részletes szabályok a szerzői jogról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvény II. és III. fejezetében találhatók.



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