News TrainersThe list of cards dedicated to trainers can be efficiently used during the training process in various topics, in different steps either as a singular card or cards used one after another. The card stands as a visual tool of self-awareness and the development models. Explaining the principals with the illustrations and the symbols will get the client tuned to the model and adapt them to their own situation. Based on research, the visual appearance, the harmony of colours and graphics enhance comprehension, recognition and can further increase the active participation in the development process. As the client assesses and defines their own situation, the space for the notes on the card can connect the models with their individual thoughts making it more personal. When the client keeps the card on their desk or at home, it can be an efficient reminder of the message delivered at the coaching session. They can evoke the thoughts and feelings and reconsider their status compared to their goals. With the positive illustrations, the shape and the quality of the cards, the process of change is turned into a pleasant and exhilarating experience.
Competence developmentÖsszesen: 7 darabUrgent-important matrixThe matrix of - urgent-important - which is often called also as Eisenhower matrix- defines the priorities of the tasks on the base of importance and urgency. The idea to measure the 2 competeting taskgroups in 1 matrix was coming from the former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Dr. Stephen Covey: "I have two kinds of problems: the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent." This "Eisenhower Principle" is said to be how he organized his workload and priorities. No matter how effective we are, sooner or later the number of tasks is surpassing the available time frame. He recognized that great time management means being effective as well as efficient. In other words, we must spend our time on things that are important and not just the ones that are urgent.
Situational leadershipDr. Kenneth Blanchard management and organizational behaviour professor, sociologist and psychologist, consultant created the model. It is one of the most widely used model during individual and group development. Conflict handling strategy
Six Thinking hats
CIA model (control, influence, adapt circles)
Emotional Intelligence
Impulse control- Traffic light
Oldal URL A jelenlegi oldal elsődleges címe: http://coachcard.net/development-cards-for-trainers-45/ Továbbá az alábbi címen is elérhető: http://coachcard.net/doc45/ |
A szerzői jog a termék szerzőjének vagyoni és személyhez fűződő jogosultságokat biztosít. A vagyoni jogosultságok révén a termék felhasználására csak a szerző engedélyével kerülhet sor. A felhasználásokért a szerzőt ellenszolgáltatás, ún. jogdíj illeti meg. A szerzői jog megsértése esetén a szerző a polgári jogi felelősség szabályai szerint megkövetelheti a kárának megtérítését. A személyhez fűződő és a vagyoni jogokkal kapcsolatos részletes szabályok a szerzői jogról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvény II. és III. fejezetében találhatók. |
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