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SymboliCard DISC personal typology model - 960x768 pixel - 113209 byte

The DISC model is mostly used to test the motivation and the working style.

With the help of the model the managers can receive an answer to the following questions:

 How to motivate the colleague?

 How can I increase the productivity?

 How is he reacting to the stress in the workplace?

 How is he reacting to changes, to the constantly changing external
environment, to the changes inside the corporation?

The usage of the model:

The development expert after filling out the test is explaining the patterns, what are the specific characteristics, and how she considers her own pattern.

The Dominant person is task-oriented and extroverted, goal-oriented, results-oriented, competitive, initiative, determined, developer, creative, inspirational.

The Influencer is rather people-oriented, and also extroverted: open,
direct, enthusiastic, social person, promoter, persuader, counselor,

The Stable: people-oriented and introverted, calm, kind, patient,
specialist, achiever, agent, investigator.

The Compliant is task-oriented and introverted. He executes the work
precisely, systematically, analysing type, objective thinker, perfectionist,


Global product specifications: (4 terméktulajdonság 7 jellemzővel)
Info:Coach, Trainer
Info:Personal typology, Reality check
Info:Reality analysis, Self knowledge cards
Info:Self knowledge cards
Product category specifications:
No product category information.

Johari window

SymboliCard Johari window model - 960x768 pixel - 124857 byte

Johari Window's visual model is widely used for developing self-knowledge. It has been invented by 2 psychologists: Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham. The model shows 2 main dimensions for understanding ourselves, the aspects of behaviour and style known by the self and known by others.


SymboliCard MBTI personal typology model - 960x768 pixel - 139224 byte

The model is suitable for assessing the client's preferred thinking, decision-making and problem-solving style, identifying the strengths and potential risks to achieve the goals.


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News, articles related to the DISC model:

To buy the DISC coach card:

SMART coach kártya (8 darab)

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A szerzői jog a termék szerzőjének vagyoni és személyhez fűződő jogosultságokat biztosít. A vagyoni jogosultságok révén a termék felhasználására csak a szerző engedélyével kerülhet sor. A felhasználásokért a szerzőt ellenszolgáltatás, ún. jogdíj illeti meg. A szerzői jog megsértése esetén a szerző a polgári jogi felelősség szabályai szerint megkövetelheti a kárának megtérítését. A személyhez fűződő és a vagyoni jogokkal kapcsolatos részletes szabályok a szerzői jogról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvény II. és III. fejezetében találhatók.



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