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   // / News / Júlia Szűcs’s opinion: “the cards bring out a playful power during the coaching process”


 The list of cards dedicated to coaches is a visual tool with the basic coaching models that can be used at the different steps of the coaching process. Explaining the principals with the illustrations and the symbols will get the client tuned to the model and adapt them to their own situation.


The list of cards dedicated to trainers can be efficiently used during the training process in various topics, in different steps either as a singular card or cards used one after another. The card stands as a visual tool of self-awareness and the development models.

Innocation and development

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Júlia Szűcs’s opinion: “the cards bring out a playful power during the coaching process”

Julia is a Head of Talent & Leadership Solutions, Work and Organizational Psychologist at Arthur Hunt in Hungary.

She has recently started using the development cards; hereby you can read how Julia adapted the cards into the development process:

CoachCard's cards are very demanding, making a professional while playful impression.

The cards were used during the coaching of leaders to introduce 1-1 models, and were excellent in supporting the homework between two coaching sessions. I hope that further models will be coming soon to enlarge the set!

Thanks for Julia to find a new way to use the cards inspirationally between the development sessions in the result of bringing her own personality into the process. This is not what we have thought about before, but definitely it is worth to try!


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