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Fejlesztési folyamatot támogató kártyák:

CIA model (control, influence, adapt circles)

SymboliCard CIA controll circles - 960x768 pixel - 123622 byte

With the help of the model the factors which can neither be changed or influenced by us can be identified. It is more sensible to focus on the aspects we can influence, where we have a chance to directly impact the situation.

GROW model

SymboliCard GROW model - 960x768 pixel - 110588 byte

The GROW model is one of the most popular and widely used tool in the personal/business development sector.
This model mainly focuses on problem solving and achieving the desired target, concentrating on the process of finding a solution.

Internal beliefs

SymboliCard Internal Beliefs  - 960x768 pixel - 133586 byte

When the client defines precisely the achievable goal, he should get conscious about the automatic thoughts which prevents him from changing. After that the automatic thoughts shall be converted into positive enabling thoughts.


SymboliCard Scale card - 960x768 pixel - 107369 byte

To grasp a subjective measurement, we are using a Scale. The coach card can be easily used throughout the coaching session to express improvement and progress, and also to define trust and belief.



SymboliCard SMART goal setting model - 960x768 pixel - 121986 byte

The acronym - SMART - helps determining the target. The smart objective is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timely.

Solution Focused Therapy model

SymboliCard Solution Focused technique model - 960x768 pixel - 134043 byte

This esentially solution oriented model concentrates on the desired goal. How the client - guided by the development expert - should be able to visualize his objective; also how he should accouter by all the tools and components that will support them in reaching their target.


SymboliCard SWOT model - 960x768 pixel - 118523 byte

After setting the objective, the model supports the client to prepar a status analysis evaluating their internal resources, what can they expect from their surroundings, the supportive and withholding factors of reaching the desired goal.

The Miracle Question

SymboliCard Miracle question - 960x768 pixel - 113312 byte

This model is one of the tools of the Solution Focused Brief Therapy, which concentrates on the desired outcome, how the client, guided by the coach, can visualize the chosen target and also the required attitude and behavior to achieve that.

Traffic light

SymboliCard Traffic lights action planning model - 960x768 pixel - 116292 byte
This modell assists the client to pinpoint what should he continue, optimize and change -based on others' feedbacks and own self-knowledge- in his life in order to get closer to achieving his goals.


Detailed instructions, user manual

Each card comes with a detailed description that supports the development experts in understanding and using the models in a unified and integrated manner.

Consultation on how to use the development cards

Upon request, our colleagues are happy to help the customers with either a personal or telephone consultation, responding all their questions.

Quality assurance

The cards and the descriptions were reviewed and proved by Dr. Vince Székely, coach, psychologist, the president of the Hungarian Association for Coaching Psychology.

Ordering unique development cards

In case you have your personal favourite development models you have been using successfully for a long time, we can help you design your own cards and get them ready to use. Please contact our customer service explaining your ideas and we can make it happen.



What is SymboliCard? (What are the SymboliCards?)

SymboliCard is a unique collection of development cards based on the most popular and widely used coaching models. It is an innovative approach adapting graphic illustrations that provide an exclusive customer experience throughout the whole coaching process while supporting enhanced learning and a deeper understanding.

What is the purpose of SymboliCard? was established to provide development experts (coaches, trainers, psychologists) a high quality tool - a SymboliCard - depicting the most frequently used coaching models throughout the improvement process.

Target group

Qualified development experts - primarily coaches, psychologists, trainers - who are familiar with the basic methodologies and are capable of applying the development fundamentals when consulting with the client.

Code of Ethics


The document of Code of Ethics is dedicated to summarize all  values and behaviour principles of the company while cooperating with partners, stakeholders (vendors, authorities)  and customers, like development experts.

General Terms and Conditions


The document of General terms and Conditions contains contractual conditions, data handling principles referring to the usage and services of the webshop.

In the document the following sections are specified:

  • Maintenance information
  • Products on sale, services
  • Delivery charges
  • Registration
  • The order process
  • Cancellation rights
  • Cancellation process
  • Privacy Policy 



A szerzői jog a termék szerzőjének vagyoni és személyhez fűződő jogosultságokat biztosít. A vagyoni jogosultságok révén a termék felhasználására csak a szerző engedélyével kerülhet sor. A felhasználásokért a szerzőt ellenszolgáltatás, ún. jogdíj illeti meg. A szerzői jog megsértése esetén a szerző a polgári jogi felelősség szabályai szerint megkövetelheti a kárának megtérítését. A személyhez fűződő és a vagyoni jogokkal kapcsolatos részletes szabályok a szerzői jogról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvény II. és III. fejezetében találhatók.



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